On-Campus Feature Hunt


Keith Doran, 38, cleans the fountain at Red Square with students studying and skating in background at Western Washington University, in Bellingham, Wash., on Tuesday morning, May 22. Doran said cleaning happens annually after the Lowrider event and is to prepare for fountain repainting. (Giovanni Roverso)


Keith Doran, 38, in the black shirt, during a break from pressure washing the fountain at Red Square, Western Washington University, tells senior Crystal Lewis, 21 (left), and Andrew Brooks, 20 (second from left), they need to move the table they just set up for WeAreWWU, Bellingham, Wash., on Tuesday morning, May 22, while freshman KatieMcFall, 19, looks toward the cleaning equipment. Lewis and Brooks are promoting a funds drive for the WeAreWWU scholarships through their Communications 318 class, which provides non-profit organization experience, taught by Heather Davidson. (Giovanni Roverso)

I decided to capture both the guy cleaning the fountain at Red Square and people studying outside at the same time. The skateboarder added even more Western student personality to my main shot.
On my way back to class I met two students setting up a table near the fountain and when the fountain cleaner came to talk to them I realized tit was just adding more depth to the story my first photo started.